Minimoog-V Original includes all the sounds (more than 1,000 presets created by talented artists and renowned sound designers) and features (32-voice polyphony, plus much more besides) from the latest Minimoog- V update (Version 2.5), but without the additional functionality accessible behind the ‘hinged’ front panel just like the original Minimoog.
It’s been several years since Arturia announced the release of its Minimoog-V soft synth modelling the distinctive tones and analogue nuances of the legendary Seventies-vintage Minimoog Model D monosynth in an agreement with Moog Music initiated by Bob Moog himself. What better way to toast the passing of that productive partnership and end the arrangement between the two companies on a high note than with a generous give-away on World Music Day?
* The limited version of Minimoog-V.
* No eLicensor, it’s serial number protected.
* Disabled internal effects.
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